lunes, 19 de junio de 2017

Female Rights

From my point of view, rights are somethng that women deserve, just because they are people like men, and they have fought a lot too.
Female rights, I think only have pros, just because if we are all similar, we have to have the same rights, it's something logical.
100 years ago women's situationused to be worse than we can even imagine, only men could work outside home, and women only could  look after their children, and cook for their husbands. There was no justice in that century.
But, what about the situation in the century we live in has it changed a lot?
Accordig to myself, I believe that the situation has already started to change, because for instance, nowadays women can vote and work, and they don't have to depend on their husbands, they are allowed to be free, however, I think that situation has to change much more, and we have to deny sexism and try to change society's mind, of curse we have to stop genre violence.
In conclusion, women right is something very important, we have to be conscious and make a better world for both women and men.
If we try and pretty sure we'll do it,

2 comentarios:

  1. -something
    -use more punctuation, divide sentences with stops
    -the last sentence isn't finished

    Grade: 7,25
