lunes, 19 de junio de 2017

Female Rights

From my point of view, rights are somethng that women deserve, just because they are people like men, and they have fought a lot too.
Female rights, I think only have pros, just because if we are all similar, we have to have the same rights, it's something logical.
100 years ago women's situationused to be worse than we can even imagine, only men could work outside home, and women only could  look after their children, and cook for their husbands. There was no justice in that century.
But, what about the situation in the century we live in has it changed a lot?
Accordig to myself, I believe that the situation has already started to change, because for instance, nowadays women can vote and work, and they don't have to depend on their husbands, they are allowed to be free, however, I think that situation has to change much more, and we have to deny sexism and try to change society's mind, of curse we have to stop genre violence.
In conclusion, women right is something very important, we have to be conscious and make a better world for both women and men.
If we try and pretty sure we'll do it,

miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2017

Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama was born on january 17, in 1964, in Chicago, Illionois.
Her real name is Michelle LaVaughn Robinson. She raised in a small Bumgalow on Chicago's South side. Her father was a democratic precinct captain, her mother stopped working to raise Michelle and her brother.

No sooner did she start the sixth grade in school, she learn't french. She went to Whitney M.Young Magnet High School, which was a high school for gifted children, once there, she worked as the student goverment treasurer.
She graduated from the school in 1981.
Afterwards, she attended Princeton University, where four years later she graduated with a B.A.
She went to Harvard too, and she studied law, she was awarded in 1988.

After that, she worked as an associate in the Chicago Branch. It was there where she met who would become her future husband, Barack Obama, and two years later, they married, after that, they had their two daughters.
As soon as they started to work for the Democratic presidential nomination, Michelle's husband won in 2009.
He was reelected in 2012 as the USA president, and Michelle Obama became the forty-fourth first lady. Then she started to appear in a lot of important and not so important events.

Currently, she has already left the white house where she has been livign the latest eight years

sábado, 3 de diciembre de 2016

Talking about a book

Harry Potter is a science fiction novel written by J. K. Rowling. It is set in the beginning of this century. It tells the story of a young boy who has just discovered he's a wizard.
J. K. Rowling wrote a story in which an eleven-year-old boy called Harry Potter hasn't had a good life so far, but in his eleventh birthday he received a letter from a magic school called Hogwarts. In that moment he discovered his parents were wizards and he is one too. When he arrived to Hogwarts, he met who will become his best friends, Ron and Hermione. They will have a lot of adventures, and they will have to fight against the worst wizard of the magic world, this fight could have strange endings.
The lot of Harry Potter is rather incredible an fantastic. It has a lot of incredible parts. It's wonderful how the writer can transmit us the feelings of Harry in every moment.
From my point of view it's a fantastic novel which has a film adaption. It's a readable novel, it's quite good, and if you are a reader who loves incredible stories, I can say to you you'll enjoy it. I could say I recommend the books just to kids but it's false, Harry Pottery is such a good saga for all kind of people from the youngest to the oldest person.

My first day at high school

My first day of school was so horrible... It was on September 17 in the town's High School, I had met my friend Maria to go together to the High School, we were both so nervous, I remember so clearly that we were thinking about playing hooky from the school. The oldest students were so relaxing, because the weren't the new. At the end it wasn't so bad.

A true story

Once in summer, my friends and I decided to do a pyjama party in Maria's house, we started at ten o'clock, approximately, we cooked some pizzas, and we made pop corn, then, we sat on the sofa, and a friend said "we can watch a horror film". But we couldn't decide what film, so we started to watch a random film. First  we watched "saw" which is a horror film about people cutting their own body's parts, after that, we had dinner, and then we watched another film, that was called "insidious". Here starts the worst part.
 My friends and I were watching the film, when suddenly, we saw a strange shadow in on the living room's door, we were so afraid that we started to scream, and we screamed a lot, one second later, the door was opened so fast, Maria's mum appeared behind the door and she said "shut up and stop screaming ladies" and we started to laugh, it wasn't a ghost, it was Maria's mum.


According to some adults, at the age of twenty-four and twenty-six, people start to think about their future, and they consider the idea of looking for a couple. However, only the 45% of people between these ages appreciate the idea of getting married, because they think they will divorce some years later.
According to myself, people who get married so early, will divorce so early too, because I imagine they don't know the people who they've gotten married. For instance, if someone gets married with a person they met a year ago, they have more possibilities to divorce, because they don't know so good their couple.
From my point of view, people have to know a lot the person they will spend their lives with, because if they don't know them it is so probably, they will get divorced.

lunes, 10 de octubre de 2016

Composition 1

As you can see, this photo show us a type of loch in the jungle, and I suppose people there are going to swim. Probably they'll have an incredible afternoon in a good vibe, from my point of view, this lake is so comfortable and it looks like a place where you can relax yourself. Although the water seems too cold, you can take a nap in the sand, read a book or do other incredible activities.

Both photos show natural places, but I think tath picture C is more relaxing than picture D. The pictures aren't similar. In picture C, people are spending their day in a beautiful place, and they are relaxed, but on the other hand, in picture D, I don't think people are relaxed, I imagine they are having a good time, but they are a little bit in alert, because they know they can be in danger, because leopards are violent. But well, if they are there, that means that they want it, so perhaps, they are not afraid and they are relaxed in their ways.